Facebook hoaxes didn’t affect US election
Link: http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/facebook-mark-zuckerberg-hoaxes-fake-news-us-election-both-sides-media-extremely-unlikely-a7414891.html
There have been claims and conspiracy theories surrounding the fact that Facebook, the social media application, has been involved (or has been the big player) in having an influence on the US election. People believe that the Fake news stories that was surfacing around the web, were strong on Facebook, and that what people were reading have swayed their mindset on who to vote for.
- 99 per cent of news shared on Facebook was verifiable
- he article was shared more than 560,000 times on Facebook
Own view:
I do believe that those who use social media should not take everything to heart unless 100% backed up with evidence. The possibility of the fake article that was seen by a particular viewer may not have any trace on the internet, which gives it the high chance that it may be a fake news story. People have taken advantage of such trend and has fooled many people with its highly professional standards, to call itself a news story.
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