Thursday 23 February 2017

NDM: Sky News Feminist Interview

Sky News Interview



This was a Sky news interview which had a famous comedian expressing her thoughts and opinions regarding feminism, and why it s an important movement. However, as the interview was coming to a close, the presented asked one of the other guests 'Peter Lloyd' to ask his final words on the controversial topic. Where he simply stated a phrase which offended many feminists around the glove especially the comedian guest who was standing up for feminists.  

Own view:

Many people are entitled to their opinion, however when it is based on a sensitive and controversial topic like feminism, one should not express thoughts like Lloyd did on live television. As it has gone viral all over the internet, which has sparked hatred amongst feminism (as seen in the comments section), and this has simply been used as a way to shut down feminism in the eyes of the person posting this video. Overall, it has weakened the power and authority that feminists have since this video has hit the internet, as it is a viral video which has been supported by many people who dislike feminists and it is also tarnishing the feminist movement. 

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