Sexting education for the youth

A report made by the Yfoundations youth health sector support have stated that current knowledge and advice regarding sexting to the youth is very much outdated. Majority of the books that the foundation discovered were very much aimed at working men and women rather than youngsters who are predominately the ones who carry smartphones and use social media a lot. The main problem with past books and resources is that they are very much disconnected from the youth culture, how they interact technology and each other.
- 90% of older teenagers sent sexual images to each other
Own view:
I believe that it is true that sexting is a subject that hasn't been very well taught to youngsters as the advice given to the youth is very much outdated and doesn't really connect with out ideologies. Things like the words 'text' is outdated when a more recent book should be more defiant such as 'whatsapping' or 'snapchatting', these are the details that will really relate to a lot of youth as they use these media outlets anyways and may need advice regarding those areas.
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