Monday, 5 December 2016

NDM News: Globalisation

Globalisation and news

1) Is our news influenced by American cultural imperialism? Give some examples arguing for or against this perspective.
  • Agree: The way news is presented e.g. 24 hour news (first developed by CNN)
  • Disagree: American T.V has ratings whereas British TV doesn't
  • Disagree: Clickbait is being adopted by British institutions such as the BBC (celebrity articles)
  • Agree: News and institutions are owned by a few billionaires (influencing their ideologies/values)
  • Disagree: British news is world wide coverage whereas American is national
  • Agree: Stories such Brexit being similar to American election (in terms of value and significance)
2) Has the increased globalisation of news improved the audience experience? How? Why?
  • Agree: People can get more news stories (from around the world)
  • Disagree: Create moral panics (Donald Trump)= American politics is world politics (affects everyone)
  • Disagree: Come at the cost of local news e.g. Ealing Gazette 
3) Has globalisation benefited or damaged major news institutions? How? Why?
  • Negative: Google/Facebook has tarnished news institutions, taking their revenue
  • Benefit: Free content for institutions= citizen journalism
  • Negative: citizen journalism can be fake
  • Negative: citizen journalism is the loss of control
  • Benefit: Can get content online (no need for staff). They can cover the world cheaper due to technological advances 

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