Thursday, 1 December 2016

NDM: YouTueb Star Casey Neistat has been bought by CNN

YouTube Sensation Bought by CNN for $25 Million 



YouTube sensation Casey Neistat had previously created his own social media-esk app, called BEME. It is essentially an app where followers (and the general public) could share a video for a certain amount of time, by simply holding down the censor on the phone to record. Since Casey had reached a large audience that institutions (to this day) still cant get a grip of; the youth. Casey's prime audience is the young generation and CNN- in order to attract this audience has partnered up with Casey by buying his social media business for $25 million in hope that they will create their own media brand which will target and attract the young demographic.

  • Sold BEME for $25 million
  • Has over 5 million YouTube subscribers
Own view:

I believe this seems like the future for institutions. New and digital media platforms has created the gap in the market to obtain the young generation; something that can grasp hold of their attention and actually entertain them rather than giving them something that they should watch. There have been many partnership's with YouTuber's by big named institutions in order to help them gain the audience that these 'figure heads' have. Another example, is Fouseytube. Yousef has had the pleasure of starring in his own Hollywood film. This wasn't simple a random pick. The institution looked at his audience with under 10 million subscribers. 

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