Friday, 23 September 2016

NDM Baseline Assessment Learner Response

NDM Learner Response

WWW & EBI's:

WWW: This is an impressive essay- really enjoyable to read with clear critical autonomy coming through.

EBI: You need to sharpen some of your points and develop stronger, more powerful and detailed examples.

- I'd like to see the other side of the argument explored in more depth: that institutions have retained much of the power in the media. 

Paragraph write-up:

On the other hand, we do see the other half of the spectrum where NDM hasn't done as much as compared to print and broadcast. NDM is full of people who share their own views and perceptions on any story they feel like and the story/article they read about, is based on their perception, whereas broadcast platform such as the BBC are unbiased and give a fair view of the subject. This makes the audience more split with whom to trust. However, it is said that when it comes to political news, people refer to watch the news such as the BBC than compared to the NDM, simply because of the biased views people on NDM have on these subjects. It is said that BBC experienced high level of people watching the BBC during the EU Referendum. This clearly shows the lack of trust people have for NDM and trust the news more than online. On the internet, i cam across many blogs and sites where the writer is simply expressing their opinions and which side they are voting for. This isn't of much help for society as something like the referendum is very serious and people need an unbiased view on it; which the BBC can offer.

In addition, non-NDM institutions have had the ability of holding on to their audience's through the era of the e-media platform. TV now days are changing their content in order to maintain their audience base. Shows such as, The Flash, Agents of Shield and many more sows are all put in place to keep revenue generating as well as audience maintaining. NDM, doesn't have that power to large extent, as it is up to the user on what they want to find out. Te internet is not subjected to a singular thing which is why people may like broadcast as it is subjected around entertainment. In addition, news papers often have exclusive news about a particular subject matter, for example when Brad Pit and Angelina Jolie split up, they interviewed Jenifer Aniston. This shows how non-NDM institution know how to take up their power by using a story that many people know and making it exclusive to their own, making audiences want to buy newspapers only to hear about that news. 

Overall, I do believe that to some extent, that the non-NDM platforms do try and maintain their audience to an extent. Programmes such as The Great British Bake-off had received over 10 million views. This is a number subjected to one programme out of a hundred. This clearly shows how the institutions like the BBC now how to keep hold of and attract audiences into viewing their content. 

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