Friday, 23 September 2016

Windscreen Smashing Video

Second Windscreen Smashing Article



This article shows a clip of a young black male who has been accused by a fellow police officer that he has in fact stolen the motorbike. This accusation was based off of what the male looked like (ethnicity) as well as the clothes he was wearing. Majority of the article was talking about the previous video of the police smashing the young man's car screen, and doesn't really elaborate on this video.


Second incident involving a young black teenager

Own view:

Your probably wondering "What's this article got to do with New and Digital Media"? Well, this article is a video clip of a reported Police officer smashing (yet again another) black man's screen. This is non-mediated footage and has been captured on a phone, showing the sheer power and importance of the new digital platform when it comes to news. Like I said previously (in the summary section), the young man was accused simply because of what he looked like. In today's society, if a person would see a man in a suit dragging his motorbike across the street, nobody will suspect him. I do think to an extent that the police was going with societies perception of such situations rather than racial reasons. However, it is the second time black male has been accused of crime by police officers this month, and has made it to a news page.

Although this article isn't about New and Digital Media, I wanted to create my own link with this article to NDM. That is, the help of mobile phones. It is evident from this article, that mobile phone footage is footage that actually gets viral and reaches a lot of people quicker. Quicker than normal news story headlines. This is because it is a news story that hasn't been mediated in anyway and is real. People can relate to it as well as thank that such devices exist. Because if it weren't for this footage, suspicion on the current British police force wouldn't have been questioned; until now. 

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