Friday, 20 January 2017

Media Mock LR

Learner Response


WWW: You cover a variety of different points and arguments and generally stay focused on the question.

EBI: Far more examples and theory required

LR section:

2) I think that my current essay is standing in the Level 3 bracket. This is because my essay doesn't really go sophisticated in to the question and rather touches on points and doesn't go in extreme detail. Furthermore, there wasn't a range of examples used in the essay such as the NDM news stories, and should be required for the next mock. For the Level 4 bracket, there needs to be a range of theorists and theories mentioned which to some extent I did include, but didn't embed either enough, or haven't credited the theorist appropriately.

3) I had outline quite a lot on how NDM has allowed audience members to participate more frequently with one another than ever before- the idea of social. However, I didn't use much of my own NDM stories to back-up my point. Things such as Facebook and Twitter having large numbers of user base etc. There was not a lot of emphasis on democracy in the essay, which is what the report clearly needs in order to attain the higher level.


  • Range of examples from NDM were used
  • Theories- Hegemony
  • A much more improved and engaging conclusion which essentially wraps all the points nicely

5) Re-write one paragraph from the essay and should aim to fill in all the points required for a Level 4 answer:

One reason why the impact of new and digital media is democratic is because consumers can now have more power, and can therefore take on big name media conglomerates than compared to previously. This was because before the birth of the internet, large institutions such as news companies would abuse their power and inflict their ideologies and values in to the minds of their consumers, such as The Sun having a right wing belief will largely be in favour of the current conservative government and would publish endless positive news about it rather than criticise it like left wing papers. This in turn dumb[s]-down audience as they cannot really challenge the elite and accept it as common sense, which fits nicely with hegemony. News papers whether in favour or against a certain thing, will be treated as common sense to the consumer base and therefore there will be no challenging the elite, rather just accepting their values and beliefs. Society was essentially Marxist before the internet, where society was controlled by the elite and those at the bottom of the hierarchy would not challenge them and stay silent; consuming all the content thrown at them. However, now the internet has given society a much greater authority than they previously had, like Aleks Krotski once said "the great leveller" which is what the internet has clearly done. It shows how much the internet has done in preventing the elite and powerful from abusing society as it has created a platform where everyone's voice can be heard and not just those in power.

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