Tuesday 31 January 2017

Media Conference Notes

MM Conference Notes

How to be creative- 7 tips from the front line:

1) Volunteer- getting involved
2) Circles
3) Beachcombing
4)No one comes from nowhere
5) Put everything in to everything (but life is not a meritocracy)
6) Don't wait to be invited to dance
7) The day after you finish, what do you do?

The UK Script Writers Survival Handbook - Time Clague

Chucklefish Games:
  • Long road
  • Mixed Media
  • Internship
  • Apps
  • Kickstarter
  • Steam
  • Disney
Sports Journalism:
  • Seek new information
  • Be prepared
  • Believe in yourself
  • Sports media has a lack of diversity
  • Diversity offers better range of viewers and perspectives
  • Challenge respectfully
  • Stay true to your own values
Young Film Makers Panel:

  • NFTS
  • Ravensbourne
  • National TV school
  • Internship will have tasks given such as, "create a commercial advert..."
  • gain a living
  • do a unit in film
  • highest standard- push yourself
  • mistakes are key
  • DO IT!
Media Democracy:

  • "Increasing control" of all media by a few corporations
  • "The economic crisis, vicious spending cuts"
  • "Social, cultural, economic and institutional racism"
  • Educational exclusion/social fragmentation
Sites of socialisation-
  • Family, media and social/college
  • Families/schools which encourage a wide range of media consumption and greater amount of debate.
  • Youth voice
  • A very limited range of ideological positions (Goffman) and imaginaries (Taylor)
  • Traditional media is still big tools in young people's lives
Tony Garnett:
  • Person- sense of producer
  • Ordinary working people- ordinary citizens
  • Each film shows truth- but not 'the truth'
  • each film is political- how we choose our thoughts to live together
  • research-facts-out in to the world- film
  • belief
  • create a creative environment for yourself (inside)

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